Host Property Tuloona (2006 – 2007)

The Elders Victorian Merino Sire Evaluation Trials

Property Information:

Michael and Jane Craig of Tuloona Pastoral Services will host the 2006 and 2007 Sire Evaluation. Michael heads up an impressive and dedicated fine wool enterprise at Harrow, Victoria. Each year Tuloona uses Laserscan® and Length & Strength testing to fine tune their traditional sheep selection processes to achieve the following aims:

· 16-18 micron stylish wool

· Tensile strength > 45NKT

· Less than 1.5 VM

· Low % mid-point breaks

· Low C of V

This year Tuloona will be joining 12,000 fine wool merino ewes in late February. The average rainfall at Harrow is 600 mm (24”), but they have fallen short of that the last few years. The ewes for the 2006 trial were3 YO ewes that were micron tested individually as 2YO to an average of 17.4 micron. For information on how Tuloona has planned for the drought conditions please email the manager for a copy of the December 2006 newsletter.