2016 Presentation downloads

Chris Kelly Presentation PDF

Chris Wilcox – Poimena Analysis Presentation PDF

Phillip Graham Presentation PDF

2016 Field Day program of events

On property display of 2015 trial progeny at host property, Tuloona, Harrow.
Property location: 4580 Coleraine Harrow Road.

Display of 25 Sire Evaluation progeny groups of 2015 drop ewe progeny, with post weaner fleece tests, weaning weights and marking scores. These ewes will be evaluated for 5 joinings, in the first Merino Ewe Lifetime Productivity Trial. Static display of the AWI/AMSEA Merino Ewe Lifetime Productivity Trial. MLP National Project Manager Anne Ramsay will be available at Tuloona to discuss the project.


Field day at ‘Mepungah’, Wannon Property location: Mepungah Pastoral Company,
112 Falkenbergs Road, Wannon, 3301. Turn right at the woolshed sign through double gates.

12pm: BBQ lunch available
12pm—1.30pm: display inspections
1.30pm—3.30pm: Speaker program
3.30pm—5pm: display inspections
5pm: BBQ tea and refreshments
5.30pm: Future of the Fine Wool Merino speaker panel

Display of 20 Sire Evaluation progeny groups of the 2014 drop with pre-shearing fleece measurements and classing results displayed. Static and working displays from sheep industry companies. These include sheep handling equipment, animal health products, livestock health companies and ancilliary service providers with a focus on new technologies and enahcning the working environment onfarm when handling livestock. Please take the time to wander around the sites. Some of these sites will be undertaking demonstrations of equipment throughout the afternoon. Demonstrations will be undertaken prior to, and following the speaker program being held on site.

Speaker program:

1.30pm: Welcome. Tom Silcock, Chairman

1.30pm-1.45pm: Update on liquid nitrogen mulesing options, John Stienford

1.45pm-2pm: National Merino Lifetime Productivity Project, Anne Ramsay, project manager

2pm-2.30pm: Research into electronic sheep tags Marcus Mojass, AWI

2.30pm-3pm: Integrating tracking and traceability using cloud-based software to capture and share livestock information across the supply network and end consumer. Tim Button and Steve Baker, AgLive. 

5.30pm-7pm ‘Future of the Fine Wool Merinos’ Proudly supported by AWI

A panel discussion from industry experts discussing the influences on the current wool market, its outlook and how the fine wool Merino sheep and its wool fits into the marketplace. It will also include analysis of commercial farming operations and the commercial reality of including Merino wool production in a farming operation. The session will conclude with a panel Q&A session between one another and the audience.

Panel speakers:

Chris Wilcox

Chairman, Market Intelligence Committee, International Wool Textile Organisation; Executive Director, National Council of Wool Selling Brokers of Australia.

Phillip Graham
NSW Department of Primary Industries.

Chris Kelly
Australian Merino Exports Pty Ltd.

Robert Herrmann
Mecardo – market analysis

MC: Marius Cuming
Communications Manager, AWI